Who is Rey’s Father?

Hey everyone, Just a short article to get back into the swing of things. This article will be based off the Star Wars movies Episode VII & Episode VIII. As always, please keep in mind that there might be spoilers ahead.


Probably the biggest question that came out of the movie  The Force Awakens was “who ultimately are the parents of the main character Rey?” Though there is tons of speculation out there, including my own theory that Rey is actually a clone (read it HERE) audiences still don’t know much. Though, the actress Daisy Ridley who plays Rey has indicated in an interview that Rey’s parents were featured in The Force Awakens.  And to be fair, the movie does allude to her parent’s presence as they depart the planet of Jakku.


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Pick up some milk and eggs while you’re out, dad.


Some people have theorized on length about this ship, and how it could possibly be a YT-Series ship based on the design. The YT-Series ships were made by the Corellian Engineering Corporation according to Wookiepedia.  Additionally, it is indicated that CEC was subcontracted to make military vehicles for Imperial Navy.

Many people seemed to be hooked on the idea that Rey was willingly left behind, but maybe it was not such a willing affair. Daisy Ridley has indicated in interviews that her parents were not “special”, so that would seem to lead the audience to believe that is likely not related to the main family group: the Skywalkers.

Looking back on where Rey lives on Jakku as a scavenger, there is plenty of post-battle debris from both the rebellion and the Imperial forces. Even as an adult, she plays with a rebel pilot doll and wears a rebel pilot helmet. All these non-verbal clues indicate she had a love-affair with the rebellion.


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Let’s take a moment to appreciate she probably took this off a corpse.


This indicates to me that she is actually a daughter of the rebellion, and likely the survivor of a battle wherein rebellion forces lost, and her parents were taken as prisoners and their ship was confiscated.

Are her parent’s alive at this point? Honestly, I am inclined to say no, though there might be some chance that they are still prisoners on another planet.

Could Rey’s parents be Imperial prisoners from the Rebellion? Or do you think that she must be a Skywalker–even though we already have a Skywalker for this generation (Kylo Ren)? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. And of course…



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